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Download 5th Fleet, The

5th Fleet, The
5897 kb



Are you a naval warfare fan? Do you have a copy of Jane’s fighting ships on your bookshelf? Do you like the idea of leading the American 5th fleet into combat against Russian and Indian forces (or vice-versa)? 

If so then you are going to love this game. It is a faithful representation of the board game released by victory games in the late 1980s, right down to the counters. A lot of board game to pc conversions from the early to mid 90s use flashy 2d/3d graphics to represent the counters. Not 5th fleet. The map and the ships look exactly as they did in the board game. It is a completely faithful representation of the game it is based on. 

Personally i did not like this game. But I am not going to mark it down as I think a lot of other people will like it. Here's why I think that. Firstly, it has nice graphics. The interface is complex, but considering the size of the war that is going on in the game, it needs the sort of interface that it has. The combat animations are also nice while the depth of logistical operations is very good. The accompanying information you can get about every ship plane and submarine in the game is defiantly extremely handy as it means you know exactly what you are going up against and can judge your forces accordingly. The only thing lacking in this picture is the sound which is minimal at best. 

The gameplay is a mixture between ammo conservation and solid tactical planning. You will be spending a lot of time searching for enemy submarines. It is essential you don’t send units out on their own. You always have to back up your ships and subs with planes that have high submarine detection levels. Also, you will learn the value of conserving your surface to surface missiles as ships can only carry a limited number so you really do have to stretch them as far as you can. There are only 11 scenarios, but due to the random unit placement, this has a lot more variety to it than you would think. That definitely ups the game's replayability. 

All in all I give this game a 4. The game is a well made example of a turn based war game so have fun in the sun of the pacific and let the missiles fly.


Reviewed by: Kosta / Screenshots by: Kosta / Uploaded by: marko river / share on facebook

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